If you are ready to get more than a hotel stay and experience personal service
book your next business travel at Crowne Plaza Hotels.
Why you should stay at Crowne Plaza Hotels:
Sleep Advantage
When you stay at Crowne Plaza Hotels you get a great night’s sleep. Bedding is top of the line and to relax more you’ll enjoy aromatherapy. Quiet zone means that literally, no attendant roaming between 9:00 pm to 10:00 am. Since you’ll be sleeping like a baby, request a wake up call, to not miss your business or personal meeting.
Business locations for business
Don’t know what to do when you are not in business meetings? Crowne Plaza Hotels provides useful information for the closest airport, water park, beach or pet-friendly spots.
Guaranteed lowest prices
If you find a lower price at another competing website, Crowne Plaza Hotels will match the price and get you the first night for free.
Join the club and get rewards with IHG Rewards Club
Get more of your stay at Crowne Plaza Hotels with Your Rate. Join, start saving and get the best rate available for you. Signing up is free, start earning points for your stays and cash them to use on travel and merchandise. Don’t wait and take advantage of all the benefits.
On time and always fresh food
Continue with your work and stay focus with fresh meals that are ready when you order.
Stay connected, don’t use your cellular data and take advantage of complimentary wireless internet.
Reinventing thinking of you
Crowne Plaza Hotels is ready to Accelerate and revolutionize the hotel industry. It knows business travel is changing and is changing with it. Committed to get in the mindset of the business traveler and deliver top of the line service. Crowne Plaza Hotels s moving forward and ahead of its competitors, this can be seen in its sophisticated design and modern amenities.
Crowne Plaza Hotels gives you what you need — life and work. It’s about connecting with you — your first impression, keeping you connected, helping you get a good rest, providing fresh food and providing overall above and beyond service.